Power and privilege shape our work and world, and therefore, understanding our own identities and biases are critical to disrupting behaviors that perpetuate inequities. By situating work within the larger context, paradigms, and verbal and nonverbal social agreements, we strive to shift, interrupt, and create new patterns, mindsets, and systems.


We believe your team has the capacity, talent and skills it needs to do the work.

Our role is to bring pattern recognition and help connect the dots. 

We believe transformative change is driven by those with the most at stake.

Our work elevates the lived experiences of marginalized voices and identities. 

We believe your team has a vision for the work and a sense of possibility.

Our role is to question assumptions and challenge the status quo. 

We believe curiosity and humility lead to continuous learning and growing.

We celebrate our learning edges and know that comfort is not a proxy for success.  

We believe our collective equity and liberation work is never done.

With compassion and humility, we meet individuals with grace and accountability. 

We believe feedback is critical for effective working relationships.

We make time to share two-way feedback to produce strong results.